Export Stevedoring Maritime Freight
Maritime Transport

Exploring High-Trans in more details


We Export Salt, Phosphate, Silica Sand, Fertilizers, Construction materials


It is therefore the process of loading or discharging/ offloading of a ship or cargo to/from a ship.

Maritime Transport

We are shipbrokers that deliver highly flexible freight services.

Who are we?

We HIGH TRANS LLC company for Commercial Agencies , Trading and producer of raw materials and mining
The company was established in 2018
We are working in three fields export goods, marine freight and stevedoring


Exporting Salt

At The Salt Factory, we offer a variety of different bulk products to suit the needs of your company and establishments. we can supply everything you need to make your winter hassle-free!

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-28 at 10.03.37 AM

Exporting Rock Phosphate

Rock Phosphate is recommended as an organic fertilizer. It is not clear to me why this is considered to be organic, when other mined fertilizers are not organic?.



